Tag: User Stories

Wetopi’s “User Stories” showcase the diverse experiences of clients, from web developers to SEO experts and marketing agencies.
These stories offer transparent insights into the benefits and challenges encountered on our platform.

They highlight our hosting solutions’ adaptability, reliability, and support in various professional scenarios.

Through these narratives, we aim to illustrate our commitment to client success and our platform’s ability to meet complex web hosting needs.

These stories are central to Wetopi’s mission of continuous improvement and innovation in the ever-evolving fields of web development and digital marketing.

  • We interview Ricard Menor

    We interview Ricard Menor

    “The first “wow experience” was that I could recover a backup in 60 seconds.”

  • Interviewing the Limbic agency

    Interviewing the Limbic agency

    For Limbic, «… if I had to highlight a specific advantage, it would be the support»

  • Recurrentes.com


    For us at Bicicleta Studio, the use of the Wetopi is a loyalty factor for our customers. Wetopi is a “zero problem” hosting.

  • Agency Nokeon Values Web Performance

    Agency Nokeon Values Web Performance

    Speed is a SEO and SEM factor. Wetopi hosting results in a better click-through rate. In addition, it helps reducing workload.