Category: Blog

  • 8 SEO Mistakes in Ecommerce Sites & How to Avoid Them

    8 SEO Mistakes in Ecommerce Sites & How to Avoid Them

    There are several common SEO flaws that many eCommerce websites fall victim to, hindering their online visibility and potential for growth. About 70 to 80 percent of users ignore sponsored ads on Google. So, if you can rank high using SEO strategies, there are more chances to get users attracted to your products. In this article, we…

  • Get a Firewall for WordPress

    Get a Firewall for WordPress

    Ensuring WordPress security is more crucial than ever. According to w3techs, WordPress already accounts for 63% of the managed websites market share. This widespread use of WordPress presents a lucrative target for malicious actors employing automated tools (bots) to identify vulnerabilities and perform attacks. 

  • Secure Your Ecommerce Website in 5 Basic Steps

    Secure Your Ecommerce Website in 5 Basic Steps

    You should secure your ecommerce website from the very beginningThe e-commerce industry offers an incredible opportunity for profit. Driven by internet infrastructure, smartphone technology, and the still-ongoing mass migration from traditional retail, it becomes more valuable with each passing year. It’s no surprise that opening an e-commerce store has become the go-to move of the…

  • Are VR Features Worth Adding to Your Site?

    Are VR Features Worth Adding to Your Site?

    Opinions on VR vary wildly, and you could easily confirm it by asking a randomly-selected group of 100 strangers what they make of it. Some would be effusive about its current implementation, eager to talk about their experiences with today’s headsets. Some would be scathing, writing it off as gimmicky and absurdly expensive. Others would…

  • Improve WordPress with Cloudflare

    Improve WordPress with Cloudflare

    Yes, WordPress with Cloudflare is a great combination. It help you improve your WordPress site speed and security! Over the last few years, Cloudflare’s popularity as a DNS (Domain Name System) company has grown. In addition to their DNS services, they provide DDoS attack protection, CDN (Content Delivery Network), firewalls, WordPress optimization, domain registration, and…

  • Connect via SFTP with FileZilla

    Connect via SFTP with FileZilla

    This guide shows you how to connect to an FTP Server with FileZilla using the secure SFTP protocol. SFTP “Secure File Transfer Protocol” is the FTP version with which you can safely manage your web files.

  • WordPress screams on PHP7

    WordPress screams on PHP7

    First PHP7 version was released in Dec 2015. This was the most important development in PHP since 2004 and one of its main benefits was its huge impact on performance. Now available for all Wetopi clients on this non stop -performance race- PHP7.4 arrives with more speed and security improvements.

  • Events Calendar Plugins for WordPress: Top 5 Options

    Events Calendar Plugins for WordPress: Top 5 Options

    A basic WordPress installation is great for blogging, but if you want to list events on your site and enable your users to view them on a calendar, and perhaps sell tickets or manage bookings, you’ll need an Events Management Plugin. There are several WordPress events calendar plugins to choose from, ranging from simple calendars…

  • Better WordPress Performance and Security With TLS 1.3

    Better WordPress Performance and Security With TLS 1.3

    TLS 1.3 is the fourth version of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) version. To get a site’s traffic secured, you must have SSL/TLS certificates. These certificates encrypt the information transit, thwarting any data theft or tampering. The encryption is in cryptographic protocols. These protocols comprise algorithms and ciphers responsible for data encryption. This new version…

  • Cloning is not bad, not at all – when we talk about WordPress

    Cloning is not bad, not at all – when we talk about WordPress

    Over the years, medical research and experimentation around clonation have surrounded the term “Clone” with a halo of wickedness. The picture heading this post seems to demonstrate one of these bad practices from the past, but nothing further from reality. In 1925, Brangulí captured the “Artificial Solarium” for infants of unmarried mothers in the “Pabellón…