You can install IonCube to protect your php code against copy, ensuring nobody will be able to crack it.
In this post, you will find the guide to troubleshooting DNS issues. The Domain Name Servers are responsible for giving us a server physical address when we ask for a domain or sub-domain. When, for…
Know the facts that can help you make the right decision when selecting a sustainable web hosting.
In this article, we want to emphasize the importance of page load speed to improve the conversion of SEM campaigns: why it is vital, what you can do and what your hosting provider should do.…
The face-to-face WordCamps have finally returned to Spain. The space for knowledge exchange, learning and growth of the WordPress Community took pace during the past weekend, May 21-22 in Irun.
Speed is a SEO and SEM factor. Wetopi hosting results in a better click-through rate. In addition, it helps reducing workload.
In today’s digital age, having a good website browsing user experience is not just a convenience but a critical necessity. Google with its Web Vitals metrics has made it clear that a good site experience…
A Slow Website Loading Is Bad For Your Business – Here’s why WordPress should be loading fast. In this age of instant gratification, speeding up your WordPress site is a crucial factor for customer satisfaction.…
Goal: Share your WordPress site and servers access with other users.Resources: 30 seconds of your time + 1 wetopi server. (sign up and get your free development server) A collaborator user in Wetopi is someone…
Goal: Learn how you can launch a WordPress site in 20 seconds in wetopi. Resources: 5 minutes of your time + 1 wetopi server. (sign up and get your free development server)