The face-to-face WordCamps have finally returned to Spain. The space for knowledge exchange, learning and growth of the WordPress Community took pace during the past weekend, May 21-22 in Irun.
According to WordCamp Central, WordCamps are informal, community-organized events that are put together by WordPress users. Everyone from casual users to core developers participate, share ideas, and get to know each other.
In this occasion, the WordCamp took place in the cosy town of Irun, in the Guipuzkoa Province of the Spanish Basque Country in Northern Spain at the Mondragon University of Irun. Irun is a small town compared to other WordCamp locations like Barcelona or Madrid. Nevertheless, it has correct human-dimensioned proportions. Nothing is too far, and there is plenty of gastronomic and leisure offers. It is a perfect weekend getaway.
20 Talks,1 Round Table
The Irun WordCamp held 20 Talks on Saturday in parallel in 2 Tracks. Talks were 20-minute long, which obliged speakers to condense and get straight to the point. For attendants, it ensured many different subjects during the day, making it a dynamic, fluent, agile event. You may be interested in two talks happening at the same time. In this case, you need to choose one and check the other one online later on.
If you missed it, you can always see it or review any of them at the WordCamp Irun’s website or in the channel
Joan Vega from Wetopi had the opportunity to lecture on a talk on DNS -Don’t be afraid of DNS. He wanted to share his knowledge and experience on the management of Domain Name Servers that cause so many headaches.

The last Saturday event was a Round Table that treated the subject of local trade and how WordPress can help local businesses.

Contributor’s Day
On Sunday, May 22nd the talks were over and it was time to give back to WordPress. All attendants contributed in one way or another to improve the Community.
WordPress is a collaborative platform that could not exist without the altruist work of its Community. Some worked on theme, plugin, code translations, some others on support,, Community, Design and Marketing.

If you want to contribute, please check at the official site. All help is welcome!
WordCamp Irun Parity
This WordCamp has the merit of nearly reaching parity. In a male-predominant sector like IT, parity in talks is an effort that must be recognized. On this occasion 9 talks out of 20 were given by women:
- Sabela Muñiz
- Enara Franco
- Olatz Goicoechea
- Marta Torre
- Eva “Farutxo” Jiménez
- Leire Roldán
- Piccia Neri
- Noelia Jiménez
- Ana Cirujano
Wetopi as a Sponsor
Wetopi, as a Managed Hosting specialized in WordPress, has a deep commitment to this Community, and, for this reason, we have also collaborated as a sponsor. Apart from the logical monetary contribution, we also shared a bit of originality by giving each participant a bamboo toothbrush with the Wetopi laser-engrave, packaged in a recycled cardboard envelope showing our best features. The envelope was an idea of our fellow designer Julia Rube.

Facts of WordCamp Irun 2022
- 133 tickets sold (The premises don’t allow a much higher figure)
- 20 Talks and a Round Table
- Nearly 100% parity
- More than 11K visits in the site
- Over 1000 Programm views
- More than 500 responded to the call for Speakers
- 500 companies responded to the call for Sponsors
- Nearly 250 responded to the call of Volunteers
- 791 Site views in May 21st 2022, most of them in the home site where the streaming was published
Recovering pre-pandemic routines
We still have a long way to go to overcome the fear caused by the Pandemic when it comes to social events like this.:
- Some speakers did not want to join the afterparty events out of fear of crowded places.
- We have been repeated the same message for over 2 years. Mind changes need time.
- We have lost the routine of WordCamps. It is the first one in 2022. Before, it was usual to have attended to several of them by this time of the year.
Online events cannot replace face-to-face WordCamps. Much of the richness of the WordCamps is the people you meet at the corridors while going from (or completely missing out) one talk to the other.
After Party
All work and no play?…
If you are in the Basque Country, you want to get out and check the offer in bars and restaurants around you. Irun, though small, has an enormous amount of good places to meet the WordCamp Community after work and keep sharing ideas in a even more relaxed manner.
Thanks to the organization
We want to throw a Big Thank You to the Event organization, and our congratulations to Iban Vaquero in his first WordCamp as Director.

Well done, and see you in the next one!
Additional Material
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Free full performance servers for your development and test.
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