Tag: Php

PHP (short for Pypetext PreProcessor) is the most widely used open source server-side scripting language in the world.

It was developed in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf and is mainly used in web development to create dynamic websites and applications. Version 1.0 was only used on the Rasmus website. When PHP 3 was released in 1997, PHP adoption skyrocketed.

One of the most powerful and significant features of PHP is the compatibility with a wide range of databases.

It can be used on all major operating systems, including Linux, many Unix variants (including HP-UX, Solaris, and OpenBSD), Microsoft Windows, macOS, RISK OS, and others.

Each version of PHP is fully supported for two years from the initial stable release. During this period, bugs and security issues that have been reported are fixed and released in regular spot releases.

After this two-year period of active support, each branch gets support for an additional year for security-critical issues only. Publications during this period depend on the number of reports.

There are three main areas where PHP scripts are used:

  • Server-side write.
  • Writing command lines.
  • Writing desktop applications.

In addition, it is independent of the platform that is used. It works on Mac, Windows and Linux computers.

Other advantages of using PHP are:

  • It is free to use
  • It is easy for beginners.
  • It is easy to connect to any database.

WordPress, as well as many other CMS and platforms, use it all the time to facilitate communication with the database, obtain information, and then output this information as HTML.

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