Category: Blog

  • Error HTTP 401 Authorization Required: Causes and Solutions

    Error HTTP 401 Authorization Required: Causes and Solutions

    The 401 HTTP is a client-side standard response status code. This error response indicates that the client request has not been completed because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the requested resource.

  • WordPress Contact Forms: Top 3 Block Plugins

    WordPress Contact Forms: Top 3 Block Plugins

    Contact forms fulfill one of the goals of a website, which is that anyone can get in touch with its owner. It is possible in many ways, but the easiest (and most efficient) way to do it is to insert a block.

  • Redis Object Cache for WordPress: complete guide

    Redis Object Cache for WordPress: complete guide

    WordPress Redis Object Cache can increase your WordPress website’s performance, but not every slow website can benefit from it. Learn when Redis is good for WordPress and when it’s not, how it works, and how to install it on your WordPress sites. Is Redis Good For WordPress? What is Redis Object Cache? Redis is an…

  • WordPress File Permissions: When and How to Lock Them for Maximum Security

    WordPress File Permissions: When and How to Lock Them for Maximum Security

    WordPress File Permissions means that some neat features of WordPress come from allowing various files to be writable by the web server. However, allowing write access to your files is potentially dangerous, particularly on WordPress sites with pending security updates. Blocking the WordPress filesystem via File Permissions will help you increase the security of your…

  • Status code 504 Gateway Timeout How to Fix Quick guide

    Status code 504 Gateway Timeout How to Fix Quick guide

    Understand the HTTP status code 504 Gateway Timeout error: What are the causes and how to fix it. What is the status code 504 Gateway Timeout error? The status code 504 Gateway Timeout error occurs when an intermediary server, or rather a network interface, cannot respond to the browser’s request within a specified time. This intermediary server or network…

  • HTTP 503 Error: Understanding and resolving the issue

    HTTP 503 Error: Understanding and resolving the issue

    When you encounter the “Http Error 503 Service Unavailable” message while browsing the web means that the server you are trying to access is temporarily unable to handle your request. It can occur due to various reasons, such as server overload, maintenance, or connectivity issues. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to resolve this…

  • How to Fix a 502 Bad Gateway Error (Updated Guide)

    How to Fix a 502 Bad Gateway Error (Updated Guide)

    Understand the HTTP 502 Bad Gateway error: What are the causes and how to fix them.

  • HTTP 499 Client Closed Request: The Top 3 Most Common Causes And How To Fix 499 status code

    HTTP 499 Client Closed Request: The Top 3 Most Common Causes And How To Fix 499 status code

    Understand the 499 status code Client Closed Request error: What are the causes and how to fix it.

  • HTTP Error 403 Forbidden: Quick Guide To Fix it (updated)

    HTTP Error 403 Forbidden: Quick Guide To Fix it (updated)

    Understand the HTTP 403 Forbidden error: What are the causes and how to fix it.

  • Do we still need to use AMP for our WordPress websites?

    Do we still need to use AMP for our WordPress websites?

    Google started Accelerated Mobile Pages back in 2015. It had a considerable push by being included as Top Stories in Mobile Search Results, Google Ads Sales teams, and native AMP WordPress plugins. The reason for this push was clear: Google wanted to make AMP faster, so It could replicate the app experience that had loved…