Direct Debit Payments, Free renewable Development Servers and more

More performance for WordPress

Last update:

This blog post has been written in Strange Times. This is our first week of Covid-19 confinement. Everything is different but even in these unprecedented times, the builder spirit is especially strong. In this post, we will show you the last features and changes introduced to the wetopi service.

Table of Contents

First of all, one of the most requested features:

Free servers with infinite development period renewal.

One of our goals is to help you, as a WordPress professional, during the WordPress site build process. To do this at Wetopi we provide development servers for FREE.

Until now, to preserve the equilibrium between our limited resources and your development needs, FREE development servers had a limited period. Once ended this period you had the option to pay for a Hosting plan to continue with your development.

Now we have introduced the FREE period renewal. With a single click, you can at any time renew your development period.

Click Renew top bar button to refresh your Free development period

To control and reduce our infrastructure growth, we still preserve the “Development Period” concept. When you do not renew your development server, then when period ends your servers stops. After this, we alert-you for a few days before your server image gets removed. This helps us to identify the abandoned servers and free up infrastructure resources.

New Direct Debit Payment Method

In addition to the Card Payment method now at wetopi, you can add SEPA direct debit payments.

Credit Card and SEPA Direct Debit payments.
Credit Card and SEPA Direct Debit payments

Now you can have more than one payment method. When you have more than one payment method Wetopi will give priority to the SEPA and then to the latest added method. When a payment fails, wetopi waits 24h and tries with the second payment method in the list.

Wetopi WordPress server news

Forget about system upgrades.

At wetopi every WordPress runs on its own managed server. “Managed” means you can forget about system upgrades and maintenance.

And the best part is that your server gets updated without service downtimes or migration processes. When we push new server images, we can deploy the new release forcing the replacement of your server image.

Server service updates and new features

advance menu "PHP ENGINE" options of your WordPress server.
advance menu “PHP ENGINE” options of your WordPress server.

We have introduced the latest php version php7.4
Our current default php version is 7.3 but you can switch to the latest php7.4 with a single click.

New php libs: exiftool, bcmath and imagick

New ioncube loader available in wetopi server images php7.1 php7.2 and php7.3

The ionCube loader lets you run PHP code previously encoded and obfuscated with ioncube Encoder. In this blog post you’ll find How to install ionCube Loader

100% Site Health on default setups.

The last WordPress servers are launched passing all server test giving you by default a Good WordPress Site Health

Your WordPress server tuned for 100% Site health
Your WordPress server tuned for 100% Site health

On-premise proxy setup

New WordPress on-premise proxy setup to work with multiple servers under WordPress subdirectory structure.

This helps you to deploy a WordPress server under our main domain plus a second WordPress server under a subdomain

We are techies passionate about WordPress. With wetopi, a Managed WordPress Hosting, we want to minimize the friction that every professional faces when working and hosting WordPress projects.

Not a wetopi user?

Free full performance servers for your development and test.
No credit card required.

See how Wetopi stacks up against your current hosting

Try before you buy.

With no obligation on your part, we’ll migrate a copy of your website:

No hidden small text.
No commitments.
No credit card.